
2024: Ética de los experimentos económicos”, with Paloma Úbeda, in María Paz Espinosa y Pablo Brañas-Garza (Coods.) Métodos experimentales en economía, Madrid, Fundación Ramón Areces.

2024: "La polarización cotidiana en España". Revista de Occidente, 521, 5-16.

2024: "The normative permissiveness of political partyism" (with Tom Lane and Isabel Rodríguez). European Economic Review, 162.

Media Coverage: Nada es Gratis, Piedras de Papel, The Conversation.

2023: "Determinants of inequality acceptability in a representative sample of the Spanish population" (with Diego Santamaría, Paloma Úbeda, and Laura Padilla). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 106.

2023: "Is the acknowledgment of earned entitlement effect robust across experimental modes and populations?" (with Abigail Barr and Paloma Ubeda). Sociological Methods and Research, 52(1), 209–230.

2023: "Estrategias experimentales para el análisis y evaluación de políticas públicas" (with Isabel Rodríguez). Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, 31, 56-70.

2022: "Electoral Competition and Partisan Affective Polarisation in Spain" (with Isabel Rodriguez and Diego Santamaria). South European Society and Politics, 27(1), 27-50.

Media Coverage: Piedras de Papel, Voz Populi.

2022: Experimental Sociology”, with Klarita Gërxhani, in Gërxhani, K., N.D. de Graaf, W. Raub (eds.) Handbook of Sociological Science, In: Hans-Peter Blossfeld (ed.) Research Handbook in Sociology Series, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

2021: "Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach" (with Jonas Radl), American Behavioral Scientist, 65(11), 1447–1456.

2021: "Locus of control and the acknowledgement of effort" (with Fernando Aguiar and María Alvarez), American Behavioral Scientist, 65(11), 1480–1496.

2021: "The causal effect of polls on turnout: A local randomization regression discontinuity approach" (with Pablo Brugarolas), Political Analysis, 29(4), 554-560.

Media Coverage: Piedras de Papel.

2021: "Economía del comportamiento, políticas conductuales y nudges". Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, 25, 46-57.

2020: "The effect of education, income inequality and merit on inequality acceptance" (with Abigail Barr), Journal of Economic Psychology, 80.

2019: "Commitment to political ideology is a luxury only students can afford: A distributive justice experiment" (with Simona Demel, Abigail Barr and Paloma Ubeda), Journal of Experimental Political Science, 6(1), 33-42.

2018:Dynamic Bargaining and Normative Conflict” (with Fabian Winter and Heiko Rauhut), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, 112-126.

2018:Legislative bargaining with heterogeneous disagreement values: Theory and experiments” (with Maria Montero and Christoph Vanberg), Games and Economic Behavior, 107, 60-92.

Media Coverage: Nada es Gratis.

2018: "Education and the Non-Financial Employment Commitment in Times of Economic Recession Among the Youth” (with Petr Mariel and Simona Demel), Social Indicators Research, 140(2), 795-810.

2018:The unintended consequences of political mobilization on trust: the case of the secessionist process in Catalonia” (with Henar Criado, Fracisco Herreros and Paloma Ubeda), Journal of Conflict Resolution, 62 (2), 231-253. Lead article.

Media Coverage: Piedras de Papel.

2018:The Tie That Divides: Cross-National Evidence of the Primacy of Partyism” (with Sean Westwood, Shanto Iyengar, Stefaan Walgrave, Rafael Leonisio and Oliver Strijbis), European Journal of Political Research, 57 (2), 333-354.

Media Coverage:, ScienceNewsline, Futurity, mySience, Piedras de Papel, The Conversation. The highest-scoring output in media attention (Altmetric) from the EJPR (#1 of 887). In the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric. [>350 Google Scholar cites]

2018: "La economía importa", in Llera, Francisco J., Baras, Montserrat, Montabes, Juan (Eds.) Las elecciones generales de 2015 y 2016, CIS. 

2017:Strategic Risk and Response Time Across Games” (with Pablo Brañas and Debrah Meloso), International Journal of Game Theory, 46, 511-523. [>50 Google Scholar cites]

2016:Moral Consequences of Becoming Unemployed” (with Abigail Barr and Paloma Ubeda), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 113 (17), 4676-4681.

Media Coverage: Forbes, Money Magazine, Daily Mail, Reason, Ars Technica, Medical News Today, Alpha Galileo, Science Daily,, EurekAlert!, El País, La Vanguardia, Piedras de Papel, Nada es Gratis, El Correo, El Mercurio, Mente y Cerebro, Cadena Ser,, Radio Euskadi, BBC Tees (1h 21m). In the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric. [>50 Google Scholar cites]

2016: “El voto económico” (with Paloma Úbeda), in F. LLera (Ed.) Las elecciones vascas de 2012. Un análisis diacrónico y multinivel, CIS. 

2015:Economic Status and Acknowledgement of Earned Entitlement” (with Abigail Barr, Justine Burns and Ingrid Shaw), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 118, 55-68. [>50 Google Scholar cites] 

Media Coverage: Nada es Gratis.

2015:A comprehensive comparison of students and non-students in classic experimental games” (with Michele Belot and Raymond Duch), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 103, 26-33. [>200 Google Scholar cites] 

2015: “Group size and decision costs in legislative bargaining” (with Christoph Vanberg), European Journal of Political Economy, 37, 288-302.

2015: "Ethnicity and Trust: A Multifactorial Experiment" (with Henar Criado, Francisco Herreros and Paloma Ubeda), Political Studies, 63 (S1), 131-152.

Media Coverage: El Mundo.

2015: “Negociation” (with Aurora Gallego), in P. Brañas and A. Cabrales (Eds.) Experimental Economics I: Economic Decisions, Palgrave Macmillan. 

2013: Whose Impartiality? An Experimental Study of Veiled Stakeholders, Involved Spectators and Detached Observers” (with Fernando Aguiar and Alice Becker), Economics and Philosophy, 29, 155-174.

2013: Decision costs in legislative bargaining: an experimental analysis” (with Christoph Vanberg), Public Choice, 155 (3-4), 373-394. [>50 Google Scholar cites]

2012: Are women more sensitive to the decision making context?” (with Paloma Ubeda), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83(1), 98-104.  [>50 Google Scholar cites] 

Media Coverage: The Conversation.

2011:Individually Selecting among Conventions: An Evolutionary and Experimental Analysis” (with Susanne Büchner and Werner Güth), Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 21(2), 285-301.

2011: “Negociación” (with Aurora Gallego), in P. Brañas (Ed.) Manual de Economía Experimental, Antoni Bosch editor. 

2010:Personal Identity: A Theoretical and ExperimentalAnalysis” (with Fernando Aguiar, Pablo Brañas and María Paz Espinosa), Journal of Economic Methodology 17(3), 261-275.

2010:Why a Trade-Off? The Relationship between the External and Internal Validity of Experiments” (with Maria Jimenez-Buedo), Theoria 25(3), 301-321. [>200 Google Scholar cites] 

2009:Promoting Justice by Treating People Unequally: An Experimental Study” (with Alice Becker), Experimental Economics, 12(4), 437-449. 

2009:Are women expected to be more generous?”, (with Fernando Aguiar, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Ramón Cobo-Reyes, and Natalia Jiménez), Experimental Economics 12, (1), 93-98. [>100 Google Scholar cites] 

2009:El rol de las creencias en contextos estratégicos: Un estudio a través del género y las expectativas de los sujetos” (with Ana Leon-Mejia). Cuadernos de Economía del ICE 77: 165-181.

2009:La noción de convención social: Una aproximación analíticaPapers. Revista de Sociología 91: 29-43.

2008:Two notions of conventions: An Experimental Analysis”, Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(3), 327-349.

2008:Moral Distance in Dictator Games” (with Fernando Aguiar and Pablo Brañas-Garza), Judgment and Decision Making, 3 (4), 344-354. [>100 Google Scholar cites]

2008:Una aproximación sociológica a la noción de convención social”, Revista Mexicana de Sociología 70: 649-673.

2007:Coordinación y acción colectiva”, Revista Internacional de Sociología 46: 161-183.

2007: “La lógica de la situación: Una vuelta más de tuerca” (with José Manuel Robles), in M. Pérez Yruela (ed.), Escritos sociológicos. Libro homenaje a Salvador Giner, Madrid, CIS. 

2007: “Coordinación y convención: Una aproximación desde la teoría de juegos”, in F. Aguiar and J. Barragán (eds.) Economía, sociedad y teoría de juegos, Madrid, McGraw-Hill. 

2006:Experimentos de orientación teórica: una discusión metodológica”, Empiria 12: 89-110.

2004:Escenarios para la acción colectiva”, Revista Internacional de Sociología 39: 167-197.

2004:Participación laboral femenina y estados del bienestar”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas108: 49-74.

2004:Acción colectiva y modelos de racionalidad”, Revista de Estudios Fronterizos (México) 5: 107-130. [>50 Google Scholar cites]